Jazykovědné sdružení České republiky (JS) is a scientific organisation; its activity is supported by Rada vědeckých společností České republiky. JS was founded in Prague in 1956. In the same year, the Brno branch was established. The main committee organizes the activities of JS.
JS focuses primarily on organizing lectures (see program, archiv, galerie). Lecturers are eminent linguists from the Czech Republic and abroad. The lectures take place at Charles University Philosophical Faculty. Once a year, JS organizes a seminar around a particular theme. This seminar features a number of linguists, experts in this area. Seminars take place in the building of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.
JS co-organizes the Mladí lingvisté conferences. JS publishes a semiannual peer-reviewed journal, Jazykovědné aktuality.
Currently, JS has around 300 members. The members of JS receive regular notifications of the current lectures programme as well as the journal, Jazykovědné aktuality. If you are interested in joining JS, please fill out the application form.